The Durbin's

The Durbin's
The 1st year of the Durbin Clan!

Our First Week at home

Our Little Princess

Our Little Princess
Evelyn Catherine Durbin - "Evy"

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Weekend in Dallas, TX

Durbin left for Military training on January 4 in Wichita Falls, TX. Since he's there for two weeks we thought we would meet up in Dallas for the weekend. It was one of the best times we've had together. We went to the Dallas World Aquarium, the Holocaust Museum, and The 6th Floor Museum at Dealey Plaza, where JFK was assassinated. We couldn't have asked for better weather and nicer people! It was a wonderful time and I was so happy to get to spend a couple days with the hubby!

In front of the 6th Floor Museum at Dealey Plaza

This is the building where Lee Harvy Oswald shot JFK. Look at the 6th floor window (2nd from the top) on the far right. You can see how it is slightly open. It is always open, 365 days a year, to commerate JFK.

The "X" marks the fatal shot to JFK

Durbin in front of what they call Dealey Plaza

Durbin & I on Elm. Right next to the "X" where JFK was shot!
Alan & I....the nicest bar owner The Public in Dallas, TX

Alan, Durbin & I

Durbin, Alan, Adam & I

Laura, Cassidy & I. Girls I met who were from STL, went to private schools and just happen to be THETA's too....small world

WHATABURGER....even better at 2am than White Castle or a Slinger

Absolutely beautiful. He looked like a stuffed animal!