The Durbin's

The Durbin's
The 1st year of the Durbin Clan!

Our First Week at home

Our Little Princess

Our Little Princess
Evelyn Catherine Durbin - "Evy"

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Labor & Delivery of Evy

Our fantastic photographer with Bellies and Babies, Kristin, took some more memorable pictures of the birth of Evelyn! There were 300 so we had to be a little picky when choosing some to post. Looking back at all these pictures is surely one of those tear-jerking moments. It was just so perfect! Here are a few of our favorites.
The newborn pics are soon to come!
Evelyn Catherine Durbin

Daddy & Grandma "Inkley"

Evy's first footprints

Dr. Pignotti, Durbin and Myself....what a great moment!

Mommy & Evy...still taking in the moment

Daddy's little girl and now Grandpa "Inkley's" little grand daughter...
she's already so spoiled! There's something about GIRLS!