The Durbin's

The Durbin's
The 1st year of the Durbin Clan!

Our First Week at home

Our Little Princess

Our Little Princess
Evelyn Catherine Durbin - "Evy"

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Another Halloween!!

These are a couple more shots from Evy's 3 month pictures with Kelly Manno. Evy couldn't decide whether to be a pumpkin or a strawberry so we did both:) Every kid should have 2 costumes for their 1st Halloween, right:)

Monday, November 29, 2010

Evy's 3 Month Pictures

Here we are again....another photoshoot with Evy:) She sure loves the camera. We had Kelly Manno take more pictures of Evy for her 3 month birthday. It was a gorgeous day so we all went to Faust Park where Kelly managed to again find the most amazing places to shoot. It is truly crazy how much she has changed in just 1 month. We'll have her next months pics up as soon as I get them back. Maybe we should slow down on the pictures....NO way! Monthly pics are so important the first year of their life. You can never get these moments back. Plus, I just love this stinkers BIG blue eyes!!!

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Evy's 1st Halloween

Although I'm a little behind, here are a few pictures of Evy on her 1st Halloween! I'm searching high and low to find the other family ones so hopefully I'll get those up here soon. Evy loved being a little pumpkin. She did so well! It's crazy that her outfit weighed almost as much as she did:)

Pat, Durbin, Chris, Myself & Evy (of course)
Mommy & Evy

Daddy & Evy


A year ago today Durbin & I surprisingly found out we were pregnant!!! That "+" sign surely put a smile on our faces. We were thrilled to say the least, but shocked that it happened so quickly. One try and there we were....parents to be:) I can't believe that throughout the past 365 days I have had so many wonderful things happen. It truly amazes me that the time flies by so quickly. Here were are.....a new FAMILY! My pregnancy was absolutely wonderful...easy as pie! Now we are here enjoying every second with our little Princess! She's getting so big. It's crazy just how wonderful the love is that a parent has for their child. It is without a doubt the most wonderful love in the world. Durbin & I are truly blessed to have such wonderul lives and now we can share that with our new daughter! We love you Evy!
Today is also my Dad's birthday! So overall, November 7th is an amazingly special day! We knew he wanted little granddaugher so we're so happy we could give him his birthday gift....a little early:) Happy birthday Dad!

Saturday, November 6, 2010

33 and Thankful:)

A couple friends and I were chatting the other day about how much we have to be thankful for in our lives. So we decided to make a list .... relating to our age:) So, as small as some of these things are, I am thankful for so much in my life! They are clearly in no particular order!

Here goes.....

33 Things I am Thankful For:

1) The most wonderful parents in the world...still married...39 years and going strong!

2) The most amazing husband. He's perfect for me in every way

3) Our precious little baby GIRL...Evelyn Catherine Durbin...what a blessing from above

4) The fairy tale wedding....thanks Mom and Dad

5) The greatest TRUE friends

6) The opportunity/choice to stay home with my Baby

7) Our family friends I've had for the past 33 years

8) The one and only marriage I will ever have!

9) That we are able to reside centrally....and close to my parents

10) The morals, ethics, and values my parents instilled in me as I grew up

11) The opportunity to travel the world and visit 17+ I just have to figure out which pictures correspond to which locations:)

12) The faith I have in God

13) Being all natural....excepting myself as I am...and proud of it

14) The intelligence to not rush into anything....marriage, kids, or impulse buys...LOL (oh Durbin you know that's funny)

15) The ability to say I'm a Vivettte:) hahaha

16) My friends who truly know me & have never judged me...thank you!

17) My two cats...Kiki and Jack:)

18) Being able to live in St. Louis....I'd NEVER move

19) Going to a great/fun college....I-L-L...I-N-I:)

20) Not getting married or having kids before 30

21) Patience in many forms....especially to wait for the right man. It was well worth the wait! I guess it's all trial & error

22) A great education...thanks again Mom and Dad

23) People in my life who have always been there for me

24) The BX and commissary....hahaha...seriously!

25) Marrying someone from St. Louis

26) Marrying a Catholic

27) My wonderful's truly a blessing & full of love

28) An ability to love unconditionally

29) My health

30) The wonderful Doctor who helped bring my angel into this world

31) HGTV.....hahahah....( get it)

32) Knowing that I am able to take the high road, despite what happens in life


****I'm sure I'll have to add/change....there's just so many things to be thankful for in life***