The Durbin's

The Durbin's
The 1st year of the Durbin Clan!

Our First Week at home

Our Little Princess

Our Little Princess
Evelyn Catherine Durbin - "Evy"

Friday, May 13, 2011

Evy's 1st Easter

For Evy's 1st Easter we went to Bellerive to see the Easter Bunny! She loved the bunny! It probably helped that my parents bought her a bouncing bunny so she had a general idea of what was Add Imagegoing on! haha It's so wonderful being able to celebrate all the 1st holidays at Bellerive! They make everything so special for all the children and families! Beats going to the mall!!! And I should probably mention that we were forgiven for Evy pulling the bunny's ears and hair:)

Mom & Dad's Surprise 40th Anniversary party!

On April 12, 2011, my brother and I threw my parents a surprise 40th Wedding Anniversary party! It was amazing! They were more than surprised! When they walked in the room, it took several seconds for them to notice that 75 of their closest friends were there to celebrate this special day. Granted their wedding anniversary wasn't until April 13th, we figured if we told a little white lie...that my brother and I were taking them to dinner....they couldn't refuse! As most people knew, April 12th was our 3rd wedding anniversary! It truly was one of the best ways we couldn't spent the night. It's crazy how our 3 years have flown by so quickly. I can't imagine 40 years:)

I couldn't be more happy that my parents are STILL married. They have set such a great example for us and what the scrament of marriage means. It's so rare that people stay married anymore so here's to you Mom and Dad! We hope you enjoyed every second of your surprise! Love you!

Evy's Duck Time - Quack Quack

It was time to move out of her little baby tub, so Evy graduated on to her big girl quacking tub! She absolutely loves it! While splashing around, she sings along and laughs with the quacks:) She even tries to squeeze the duck to make it quack! She doesn't quite understand the concept yet, but it's fun to watch her give us the "confused" look! It's so amazing watching her grow and see her get excited about bathtime! She's such a waterbaby...just like mommy and daddy!