The Durbin's

The Durbin's
The 1st year of the Durbin Clan!

Our First Week at home

Our Little Princess

Our Little Princess
Evelyn Catherine Durbin - "Evy"

Friday, October 29, 2010

Lunch with the McDonald's

Today Evy and I met Trish and her two kids, Luke & Kate for Evy's first Mexican lunch:) It was so great seeing them again. Trish came to visit in the hospital the day Evy was born, on her 1 month bday & now today....we miss her:) I can't believe just how big Luke & Kate are now. Luke kept saying how he loves baby Evy & Kate offered her some chips and salsa!:) We love having the McDonald's in our lives and can't wait for all the future outing with the little squirts:)
ohhh....and Joe, by the way, the MIZZOU bib you gave Evy today is now her favorite diaper:) This is war! U of I runs in this household! Booo on Mizzou!

Lunch with the Girls:)

3 Little Stinkers
Myself holding Emily, Kate holding Evy & Sarah holding Taylor

Evy, Emily & Taylor

Kate & Evy

Taylor & I



On Monday, Evy & I went to meet Kate & Emily (6 months) & Sarah & Taylor (5 months) to have lunch. It was amazing to get all three of these little tikes together. They were all so well behaved and such cute little young ladies:) We can't wait to have more playdates! It still amazes me that we all had little must be payback time:)

Evy's First Pumpkin Patch

On October 16th we all went to Evy's 1st Pumpkin Patch. Her nanny, Jenn, who comes a couple days a week invited us to meet her family & find a pumkpin bigger than Evy!:) Grandma & Grandpa Inkley came along and had a blast. As content as Evy seems in the first picture, she managed to do a face plant about 5 second after we took this picture. Being a trooper, she didn't shed a tear:) She's just so stinkin' cute!

Our family

Grandpa and Evy

Grandma and Evy
Mommy has to kiss Evy after her face plant:)