The Durbin's

The Durbin's
The 1st year of the Durbin Clan!

Our First Week at home

Our Little Princess

Our Little Princess
Evelyn Catherine Durbin - "Evy"

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Evy's 2 Week Check-up!

On Wednesday we went to the doctor for Evy's 2 week checkup! She is doing very well and the doctor says everything looks great! She weighs 7lbs 6oz and is still 20 inches long....not that we expected her to grow that much in height in 2 weeks:) I can't believe she's 15 days old already! The time is flying by so quickly. She was such a good girl at the doctors too! She didn't shed one tear! We credit that a lot to our fabulous pediatrician! He's amazing! We will be heading back next week for another weigh in. Wouldn't it be nice if my doctor wanted me to come in every week for a weigh in and said putting on weight was a good thing:) Haha!
Well, we will keep you all posted and can't wait to get our delivery and her 1 week pictures back to post those!